North Ayrshire families are being asked to take in young visitors from Ukraine next summer.

Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline supports child victims of the world’s worst nuclear disaster by offering them recuperative breaks.

Michael Lafferty of the charity’s Ayrshire branch said: “The people of Belarus and Ukraine will never forget as they are living with the aftermath of this disaster daily. We are appealing for two host families to help us next summer by offering children from Ukraine this once in a lifetime chance to come and stay in Ayrshire for four weeks of respite from the radiation in their country.

“Could you share your home and put a smile on the faces of two nine-11-year-old children for two or four weeks in the summer? There is a comprehensive network of support for host families – you would not be on your own. There will be an interpreter/leader with the group and they are on hand 24/7 should there be any language difficulties or for general advice and assistance. The committee and other host families are also there to support and help you if you are working or need some time to yourself.

“Anyone can host. If you are single, married, have children or don’t have children, working full time or retired – age is no barrier if you think you can then you can. This is an experience that you and the children you host will never forget.”

For more information or to make a donation, please call Michael on 07813 650411 or email