THE Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) and The Ayrshire Community Trust (TACT) hosted an event to celebrate the success of recent participants of a six-month volunteer placement.

They completed a volunteer work placement through the Positive Steps with Partners Project (PSWP), part of North Ayrshire’s Employability Pipeline.

The project helps long-term unemployed people in North Ayrshire gain new skills and experiences to support the progression towards work.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue’s local senior officer, Jim Scott, said: “Safety is at the core of everything we do. We recognise the role the Positive Steps volunteers play working alongside our communities and in partnership to keep Scotland safe.”

Barbara Hastings, CEO at TACT, said: “Our mission statement is ‘to deliver programmes and projects that make a difference to people’s lives by encouraging, supporting and promoting community action’. Positive Steps with Partners is an exemplary example of doing just that.

“This demonstrated how this unique programme supported by caring and compassionate staff really can make a positive difference. Tonight was a very humbling but uplifting celebration.”