The Herald recently caught up with Saltcoats man Scott Alcroft from his place of residence in Southern Spain to chat about his latest book, With Change Comes Consequences.

Congratulations on your sixth book Scott. What is this new one called and what’s it about?

This new one, “With Change Comes Consequences” is a sequel to my last book “Bonded By Burns” and sees the hapless twosome of Jock and Kenny popping back inside the time machine for some more crazy adventures.

In your last book “Bonded By Burns”, they go back in time and visit Rabbie Burns and Sean Connery. Is this one similar where they go back and visit people from Scottish history?

No. I toyed with the idea and thought about them going to visit Billy Connolly from when he worked in the Shipbuilding along with maybe one other but this one is much different. They actually go back and change one thing or event that happened in each of my last five books. Regular readers of my other books will know about major events that happened in each of my books and the boys get the option to change one thing from each of them but with change, comes the consequences.

So are there spoilers from your other books in this one?

Yes. You mustn’t read this one if you haven’t read the other five as this one will give away the major events from each of my other books.

Incredibly this is your sixth book now, do you have plans to write any others?

Absolutely yes. I have lots of ideas in this head of mine and my plan is to write at least twenty or so. I would love them to be picked up by TV, film or theatre one day and hopefully that will happen.The ratings and reviews they are all getting are incredible.

When is the book out Scott and where can we get it?

The book is out today (September 29) and it’s available on Amazon on Kindle or Paperback priced at £5.99 and £9.99 respectively. I’m hoping to bring all of my books onto audiobook soon too as lots of people have been asking, so look out for that happening.

Finally Scott, how is life in Spain and are you hoping to visit the Three Towns again anytime soon?

I love my life over here. I’m so blessed. I haven’t been home since last September and I miss it terribly. I think Covid has had a massive effect on that and hopefully I will be home soon to visit everyone. I always get a great welcome when I visit the local watering holes.