THE community of Arran expressed their opposition to moving the Ardrossan-Brodick ferry service at a meeting with Humza Yousaf before news of the potential relocation became public knowledge.

Arran Economic Group (AEG) said in a statement that, along with local business leaders, community council representatives and political representatives, they wished to reflect the current opinion of the Arran Community that was expressed at the meeting last month with the Minister for Transport and the Islands.

Sheena Borthwick-Toomey, said that it was “intimated by the minister that the topic was not in the public domain” and that Mr Yousaf had “confirmed it was incumbent on his role to consider every proposal tabled”.

The Development Director of the AEG spoke of the concerns raised by local residents at the meeting.

She said: “The collective representative voices confirmed the community of Arran was not in favour of this move for many reasons but in the main there was no evidence that the move would improve the reliability of the service.

“It would be more costly for passengers and haulage due to the application of the Road Equivalent Tariff and it would increase journey times. Finally and importantly, the route was not fully integrated with forward transport links.

“Given these four main points and many more following through from them, there did not appear to be any evidence to support a move of this magnitude.

“Given the Scottish Government’s track record of supporting and engaging island communities, putting their opinions and views to the forefront of all activity, the AEG members would ask that all parties recognise the current thinking and views of the Arran community and local representatives.

“Associated British Ports made a recent approach to speak with the Arran community. However, due to annual holidays this meeting has not yet taken place, hence the Arran community’s surprise and timing of the recent press coverage and the breaching of confidentiality surrounding any proposal.”