This is what a hedgehog looks like beneath its prickles.

It isn’t unusual for us to get hedgehogs with skin problems.

They suffer from mange, caused by mites, and from ringworm, a fungal infection. The symptoms are usually much less severe than in this case.

Ringworm causes thickening on the ears, and leaves the skin flaky, as well as causing spine loss.

Mange causes spine loss too, and leaves the skin scabby.

Most of the affected hedgehogs  that are admitted to Hessilhead are suffering from both conditions, and are treated accordingly.  We must take precautions that neither condition is passed to other hedgehogs, and carers should wear gloves when handling hedgehogs with ringworm, as this can be passed to people.

Take a look at the curled up hedgehog.

You can see the muscle that runs around the edge of the coat of spines.

It acts like a drawstring, allowing the hedgehog to curl up.