A pensioner fears that overflowing bins near the centre of Stevenston are bringing the area “down to the gutter”.

Peter Blackman says that he is fed up with the mess around New Street and Afton Road and that he has complained about it twice to North Ayrshire Council.

He told the Herald: “It’s a pigsty. There’s piles of teabags, cans of beer, everything. The bins are overflowing and the smell’s terrible.

“I’ve phoned the council and they said they might clean it. I want that cleaned up today. This is the second time I’ve reported this mess.

“It’s bringing the place right down to the gutter. It’s disgusting.”

A North Ayrshire Council spokesperson said: “Recycling bins cannot be uplifted when contaminated with the wrong items. Purple bins are for cans, plastics and glass, whilst blue recycling bins are for paper and card only.

“In the event of non-collection, residents should remove any non-recyclable waste and present it on the day of their next scheduled collection. Anyone wishing further advice on our recently introduced new collection scheme can contact our Waste Awareness Team on 01294 310000.”