A DISTRAUGHT blind woman fears she will have to wait years for a new vital service dog after her own guide tragically died.

Debbie Mckenzie, from Prestwick was left devastated after her young guide dog Maggie passed away at the end of August.

Maggie was poorly for over a month during which time vets found a deadly condition peritonitis in the two-year-old lab.

Vets desperately tried to save the poor dog, but Maggie sadly passed away leaving 60-year-old Debbie without her guide in life.

Debbie told the Advertiser how her second dog was full of life, and a great guide.

She said:”She ate a sock which she always did, but when they operated on her they found out she had peritonitis. It destroyed her intestines in the end.

“She was my second guide dog, she was so full of life.We sent her up to the Glasgow hospital in the end.

The guide dog people tried their upmost.”

Debbie became blind 12 years ago after a viral infection caused her to lose her sight whilst driving.

She said: “I had a virus that detached both my retinas. I was working doing a job and could not see the tablets I dropped on the floor. I got in the car, by the time I was driving I started to lose my vision. I was able to get home and then I never drove a car again.”

Now Debbie will have to wait until a suitable guide dog becomes available, and she is already struggling to without Maggie.

She said: “You are lost without them.You don’t realise there are so many dustbins on the road.

“It empowers you, there are your eyes really to get you to from A to B. It could be two years to get back on the waiting list.You have to use your cane, they need to find a dog that suits you and your lifestyle. The dogs I need are very active, full of life.”

Debbie hopes to raise more awareness for guide dogs. She recently took part in a charity walk in Glasgow where she raised £1,000 for Guide Dogs.