A NEW housing development in Kilwinning has been given the okay in principle despite objections from the community.

Community councillors objected to plans for a new development north of 5 Northacre Grove, Kilwinning, near the current Taylor Wimpey housing, raising fears of flooding and the retention of the path through the land.

The application for planning permission in principle was approved on Wednesday, July 8, subject to conditions including that the path must be retained.

Bishopsgrove Developments Ltd must also provide details of improved water drainage arrangements adequate for users of the path and site.

An objection from Kilwinning Community Council stated: “This area is prone to flooding from the field that Taylor Wimpey is going to develop resulting in heavy flooding along the path.

“The land in the adjoining field drops to the path and the impending development of the field increases the risk that the area outlined is likely to flood and the residents of Northacre will need to be protected.

This path is used on a very regular basis and needs to be kept as part of the Kilwinning path network. The Active Travel Officer in NAC is currently working on maintaining and developing paths elsewhere in the town and it would be wrong to lose this path when we are all being encouraged to take more outdoor exercise. This is particularly relevant in current circumstances.

“There does not seem to be enough land to allow development and retain the path KKC wishes to object to this application.”