Hundreds of pounds have been raised by churchgoers at an Ardrossan church to make the building more accessible.

A charity quiz was organised by Jeanette, a member of the congregation at St Andrew’s Episcopal Church, as part of the church's long-running accessibility project.

The night raised over £400 that will go towards installing new ramps and a disabled toilet in the building.

A representative from the church said: “Thank you Jeanette for organising our quiz and raising over £400 for our Accessibility project to add ramps and disabled facilities to our building.

“We had fish and chips from Cafe Palazzo to feed our brains. Barbara helped us warm up with a quiz on flowers for Jeanette’s dastardly questions on Literature, Animals, Presidents and General Knowledge.

“A great time was had by all.”

Currently, the toilet and ramp are in the planning stage meaning there may be some time until they are installed in the building.

The quiz is held annually to raise funds for the church and began when the church underwent a refurbishment in 2014.

The next fundraising effort will be a bingo event at the Whitlees Centre on Friday November 11.

In September, the church raised £225 towards the project through their car boot sale at the Doors Open Day festival.