An Arran hotel has been given a new lease of life after being bought out by a local committee.

The Lochranza Hotel – which shut down in September 2021 - has been passed into the hands of the North Arran Community Benefit Society after they were awarded £483,643 for the take-over by the Scottish Land Fund.

Chair of the North Arran Community Benefit Society, Chris Traill, said: “All of our members and supporters were delighted to receive an offer of grant support from the Scottish Land Fund.

“The hotel is the focal point of our community, and its absence has been keenly felt by many people living and visiting this fantastic island.

“With this support we hope to get the business back on its feet and provide a fantastic resource for many years to come.”

As Lochranza’s last remining hotel, the community felt effects of the business’ closure - with the committee showing interest in purchasing the property since November 2021.

With the funding, the group plan to operate the hotel as an inn with a bar and a community space as they hope to provide a safe place for travellers and combat isolation.

Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform, Mairi McAllan, said: “Communities know best what’s right for them including when it comes to the ownership and use of local land and buildings.

“With support from the Scottish Land Fund, which will be doubled to £20 million by 2026, more communities across Scotland are taking ownership of local assets - helping to create jobs, mitigate climate change, and tackle social isolation and loneliness.”

The North Arran Community Benefit Society were one of eight groups from across Scotland to receive funding from the Scottish Land Fund.