Dramatic footage has emerged of a Coastguard helicopter hovering above the iconic PS Waverley paddle steamer. 

The helicopter was called to the vessel around 4pm on Thursday August 3 off the coast of Arran to attend a medical incident.

This footage, captured by reader Alexander Robert Gilchrist, shows the emergency helicopter hovering above the ship during the incident. 

A spokesperson for Waverley Excursions, which operates the vessel, confirmed that the incident took place.

They said: "We had a passenger who took ill while Waverley was on her afternoon cruise off the coast of Arran.

"The crew responded quickly to help and then contacted the coastguard. The passenger was lifted off the ship by helicopter and taken to hospital."

A Coastguard spokesperson added: "HM Coastguard sent its helicopter from Prestwick to transfer a passenger from a travelling vessel to Ayr Hospital on August 3 at around 4.15pm."

Watch the footage below...