A Stevenston store boss has hit out at "out of control kids" after two teenagers battled in his shop – with one allegedly carrying a machete.

Ash Hameed, who runs the Day Today store in Hayocks Road, managed to break up the scuffle with the help of staff members.

But they were shocked they saw a machete fall to the ground during the fight, next to the store's chilled section.

He told the Herald: “The police arrested both the teenagers, but it could have been so much worse.

“Someone could have been really badly injured. And this kind of thing is happening in shops up and down the country now.

“It is totally unacceptable behaviour and something needs to be done.

"They were fighting in the aisle and they could have done a lot of damage to the store – and that weapon could have easily snapped someone’s leg, or worse.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: The weapon was recoveredThe weapon was recovered (Image: Contributed)

“I hate to think what would have happened if there were children or families in here when it happened.”

Two people were arrested after the incident, which happened on Wednesday, August 9.

They were held in custody to appear at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court, where they were released on bail pending a further hearing.

Ash said: “I can’t actually believe they let them back out.

“I have been in the store for 23 years now and we are trying hard to provide a service for our local community.

“And on almost a daily basis we are having to deal with trouble.

“We are also having trouble with kids running around on motorbikes or scooters with no helmets and driving on the pavements here.

“I have spoken to the police about this and Councillor John Sweeney has also talked to them about it.

"They are doing their best, but if the courts are just letting people like that back out on the streets, what can we do?”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 10.40am on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, police were called to a report of a disturbance at a premises on Hayocks Road in Stevenston.

“Two 16-year-old male youths were arrested and charged in connection with the incident.

"They were due to appear at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

"A report will be sent to the procurator fiscal.”