Plans for a house extension have been thrown out by councillors after planners said they were out of keeping with the area.

The owners of a property in Irvine’s Quarry Road challenged the refusal of plans which would see it projected by four metres from the front of the house and 3.36 metres from the side.

The homeowners presented to the planning committee examples of what they said were similar extensions elsewhere in the town and argued that their plans should be allowed on the grounds that the others had gone ahead.

But a planning official said the sighting and design of the house was “out of character” with those of neighbouring houses in the street due to its large size and projection to the front of the house. This was “all to the detriment of character” and amenity of the area.

“Excess projection” would impact on the light on the ground floor of the adjoining house, it was stated, and have an effect on light from the neighbour’s house.

Councillor Scott Davidson said it would encroach on the natural light of the neighbourhood and that was a major factor.

Planning vice-chair Timothy Billings agreed that the example provided of the other properties showed that they didn’t come out as far and were not in the same alignment with the windows of the neighbours.

Councillor Cameron Inglis put forward a motion that the committee stayed with the decision of officers to reject the plans. This was seconded by Councillor Chloe Robertson, and passed unanimously.