Council chiefs are moving full steam ahead with a transport scheme in North Ayrshire as part of their policy of drawing up “flexible and accessible community-led solutions” to travel.

A pot of £100,000 was set aside for the community transport pathfinder project in North Ayrshire Council's budget this year.

Part of the scheme saw the initial launch of Coalfield Community Transport's Dayhopper service, offering passengers in North Ayrshire scenic tours and shopping excursions if they sign up to become a member.

At a full North Ayrshire Council meeting on Wednesday, Conservative councillor Cameron Inglis asked the SNP's Tony Gurney, cabinet member for green environment and the economy how the scheme was progressing and how successful it has been so far.

Councillor Gurney said: “At the May 30 cabinet meeting, the next steps for development of a community transport pathfinder were approved following the budget announcement in March. 

“These were to undertake detailed survey work to understand specific community transport demands so that a pilot scheme can be developed, and also to make Coalfield Community Transport’s ‘Dayhopper’ service available in North Ayrshire as an initial demand test, with a future report to be brought to cabinet later in the year outlining further proposals. 

“Officers have met with several interested community transport stakeholders including Coalfield Community Transport, South Ayrshire Community Transport, Ayrshire CVS and Radio City Association over the summer period to explore different delivery models.

“They are finalising the procurement exercise for the survey work. Cabinet has agreed to receive a further progress update towards the end of 2023.”