An ambitious Arran couple have returned to the island with plans to take on a popular pub and bistro.

Sahal and Kim Sahiri applied to North Ayrshire Licensing Board for a provisional premises licence at the former Crofters premises in Brodick.

The couple’s legal representative Robin Morton told a meeting of the board: “In recent times, the previous licence holder was unfortunately made bankrupt.

“My clients have bought premises and are seeking to reinstate the licence as it was not transferred timeously through no fault of their own. They have to re-apply for a new licence.

“Kim and her family were brought up in Lochranza. Twenty years ago, Sahal worked in a very well-known restaurant in Arran. There is a history with the island.

“They moved to London about 18 years ago and operated a vintage clothing shop, interestingly in Camden, apparently very successfully. They have a good business and people background.

“They hope to serve breakfast from 8am and their food offer will be based on local produce and sea food and fish specialities and local beef will be used in steaks.

“We had representation  from the community council but I think it is really fears of what it might be rather than saying this place had caused them grief in the past and I hope have been able to persuade the board we are dealing with good applicants, sensible people who have undergone licensing training. They hope to be open by December.”

Asked by Councillor Nairn McDonald why they had returned to Arran, Kim said: “It’s more about the food side for us rather than alcohol and we have another project that is being built just now.

“So, rather than wait for another year until the other project was finished, when we saw this was for sale we felt it would be an option as my husband has a background as a chef.”

The licence was granted.