Suicide prevention was the theme of a special event which brought a whole host of health professionals and voluntary groups together in Saltcoats Town Hall last week.

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) were joined by colleagues from NHS Ayrshire and Arran, East and South HSCPs, non-profit making organisations and other partners.

Creating Hope Together was the theme of the forum, which recognised that suicide prevention is everybody’s business, and that everyone can take action – no matter how big or small – to prevent it.

Participants were involved in discussions and generating ideas on the subject.

They had an opportunity to share knowledge built up so far on suicide prevention and it is  hoped this will inspire a call to action across all sectors to work and learn together and encourage change in North Ayrshire.

Another objective  was to make people consider what more can be done to prevent suicide and identify the support needed to ensure everyone can play their part.

As well as staff from the council, HSCPs and the health board, representatives of Arran Community and Voluntary Service, Dalry Men’s Shed and DSM-Firmenich in Dalry also delivered thought-provoking presentations on the day.

Participants were also involved in two workshop sessions.