An Ardrossan man has been jailed for eight months for throwing a chest of drawers from a balcony at a moving police car.

Derek Taylor, 38, was sentenced at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last week after admitting the offence in the town's Kilmahew Street earlier in the week.

The court head that police were called to the street after a reports of a disturbance around 9.30pm on Thursday, January 4.

Taylor was found to be behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The court heard he was aggressive, repeatedly swore and shouted derogatory remarks and threats of violence.

He then threw a chest of drawers from the second floor balcony of his flat at a moving police car, with two officers inside.

It hit the vehicle, damaging it. The officers were shaken but unhurt.

Taylor, who admitted previous convictions, was sentenced to eight months in prison.