Scotland's Marine Tourism Conference 2024 will be held in North Ayrshire in March.

The event, which will feature a speech from Scotland's Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop, will take place on Tuesday, March 19 at the Waterside Hotel in Seamill from 9.30am to 4pm.

The conference, organised by Sail Scotland and sponsored by North Ayrshire Council will be attended by those with an interest in the marine tourism, whether it’s the delivery, skills, supply chain, marketing or development.

The organisers said: "This year we will be focusing on how the strategic importance of marine tourism and sustainable and responsible consumer behaviour, and the importance of continued investment in marketing, infrastructure and product development.

"What are the opportunities? What do you need to think about now? And how can we collaborate to grow marine tourism further?"

The event will also include input from Gavin McDonagh, chairman of Sail Scotland and MD of Holt Leisure Group;  Rob Dickson, director of industry and destination development, VisitScotland; Joshua Ryan-Saha, director of Traveltech for Scotland; and Daniel Steel, chief executive of Sail Scotland.

Tickets are limited, and this event has often sold out in the past, so if you're interested in attending you're being advised to book early.

You can grab an extra 10 per cent early bird discount by booking before February 20.

Find out more and book your place at