At this time of year, it is easy to be fooled by the weather.

It is just like spring, and with much enthusiasm, our staff have been making outdoor enclosures for some of the hedgehogs that we have over-wintered at Hessilhead.

I am sure that many of these hedgehogs would like to go free. They are becoming restless in cages, but we know they would like to eat too. Despite the slightly milder temperatures there isn’t very much natural hedgehog food around yet.

Some of our hedgehogs have moved into small sheds with access to a run. Food will be provided, as usual, and in a few days, the shed door will be left open. We hope the hogs will snuffle and scratch and find some titbits to eat.

Others have moved into sturdy hutches with a run attached. They won’t find so much food, as the runs are on concrete, but they will get exercise, which will be good for their overgrown claws. This is always a problem after a winter spent indoors.

We hope to start releasing hedgehogs as soon as the weather is settled.

Hedgehogs need two things: they need a reliable food supply with a range of worms, bugs and caterpillars. They also need somewhere dry and safe where they can build a nest.

If you think you have a good hedgehog garden, you can buy or make a hedgehog house … there are plenty of designs online. If an area has a lot of hedgehogs, it may be fully populated. Do your research!