West Kilbride SWI held their annual general meeting on Wednesday, April 17 in the Village Hall.

The retiring President May Renwick welcomed the members and started by presenting a donation to Fiona Thorburn from the Village Larder. Fiona then gave a short talk explaining the work of the larder.

A donation was also presented to Emma on behalf of the Village Hall. May then handed over the meeting to the new President, Alison Bauzys.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: West Kibride SWI

Carol Bayliss one of the Handiwives conveners, then asked members to consider entering one of the team competitions at the Ayrshire Federation show in October. There was also a request for members to take part in the Ruralympics, in Cumnock in September.

The secretary gave her report and presented flowers to May and to Eve Dailly, the treasurer, who had deputised for May on a number of occasions.

She also thanked Carol Bayliss and Thelma Wilson for their work as handiwives convenors.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: West Kibride SWI

Flowers were also presented to Francis Clark and Claire Phillips who judged the highlight of the evening – the teams competition.

Names were taking for the outing to the Ladies Lunch at Seamill Hydro on Sunday, June 23.

The final item on the agenda was the presentation of trophies to the competition winners: Silver Salver for the most points overall: Isobel Weatherall. Novice with the most points: Larraine Corrigan. Fun Items: Isobel Weatherall. The winning team in the team event was Team 2, Anne Moiser, Margaret McIntyre, Margaret Kerr, Sheila Plimbley, Paula Maughan and Fiona Martin.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: West Kibride SWI

The winner of the Anne Wilkinson trophy for the best individual item was Paula Maughan for her beautiful poster.