A DRUNK driver has been disqualified and fined after crashing into a parked car in Ardrossan.

Daniel Quinn, 31, of Dalry Road in Saltcoats, pleaded guilty at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court to being more than twice the legal limit on South Beach Road on April 12 this year.

The court was told that Quinn supplied a sample with a reading of 45 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath; the limit in Scotland is 22 microgrammes.

The court heard how a witness was woken by a loud noise from outside at around 2.40am on the night in question. 

When they went outside, they found that their vehicle had been shunted onto the pavement.

They spoke to the accused, who had been injured in the crash and was bleeding from his nose.

Quinn initially declined an ambulance, but after police arrived and took a preliminary breath sample, he was taken to Crosshouse Hospital for treatment.

Quinn's lawyer told the court that his client was a first offender, and was employed as a manufacturing technician. 

The solicitor said Quinn had gone to a friend's house for drinks and had "regrettably" got into his vehicle afterwards, losing control while trying to pull out from behind a parked car.

The court was told that insurance had paid for the damage to the complainer's car. 

His lawyer added: "He appreciates this could have been a lot worse, and he could have killed himself or someone else."

Sentencing, Sheriff Nicola Patrick added: "This could have been a whole lot worse. It is highly unfortunate that you have found yourself here."

Quinn was disqualified from driving for 12 months - the minimum time allowed under the law - and was fined a total of £740.