Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate Todd Ferguson has launched his campaign to become to next MP for North Ayrshire.

And he said the General Election on July 4 was a chance to beat the SNP and end their "independence obsession" for good.

Todd, a North Ayrshire councillor, also claimed Labour had proven they were too weak to stand up to the SNP and their agenda.

He said Labour MSPs in the Scottish Parliament had helped the SNP pass some of their most flawed policies such as the gender recognition reform bill and the hate crime act.

Todd continued: “I am relishing this General Election on July 4 and getting out and speaking to voters in North Ayrshire and Arran about their priorities.

“This election is a chance to beat the SNP and stop their independence obsession for good.

“You can only do that by voting Scottish Conservative in North Ayrshire and Arran. Labour have shown they are too weak to stand up to the nationalists."

The candidate continued: “In Holyrood they have helped pass some of their most flawed pieces of legislation such as gender reform and the Hate Crime Act.

“It is only the Scottish Conservatives who are holding John Swinney’s independence-obsessed and failing SNP Government to account.

“By voting for the Scottish Conservatives in North Ayrshire and Arran you can ensure that the focus will move onto people’s real priorities such as reducing NHS waiting times, creating good jobs and investing in our schools and help put an end to the SNP’s independence obsession.”

In North Ayrshire, current MP Patricia Gibson will stand once again for the SNP. At the moment, Irene Campbell for Labour and Todd Ferguson for the Conservatives have been confirmed as their party's candidates. A Liberal Democrat candidate has yet to be announced.

At the last General Election in 2019, the SNP's Ms Gibson topped the poll with a 48.5 per cent share of the vote, with David Rocks for the Conservatives second with a 30.8 per cent share, Cameron Gilmore for Labour on 13.9 per cent, Louise Young for the Lib Dems on 4.4 per cent and David Nairn of the Green Party on 2.3 per cent.