A staff member at the Ayrshire Hospice is well on her way an incredible fund-raising mission to mark her 40th birthday. 

Gemma Reid, the hospice's head of HR, has set herself 12 amazing challenges throughout the year, and has so far completed eight challenges. 

So far she has completed Tartan Warrior, the Killiecrankie Zipslide, the Killiecrankie Bungee Swing, a Wire Bridge Walk at Steall Bridge, the Irvine 5K and the Glasgow Kiltwalk.

She has also walked Britain's tallest rollercoaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, and walked the Infinity Bridge at the Honister Slate Mine in the Lake District. 

Gemma says she wanted to take on the challenges to help support the work of the charity that she cares so deeply about.

She said: "Whilst I haven’t had any personal experiences of our hospice’s care, I hear about the difference we make to patients and families.

"In the leadership team, we always talk about patient stories, and it constantly reminds us why we do what we do for the Ayrshire Hospice.

"I wanted to contribute in some way to raising much-needed funds.”

Gemma now has four events left to complete, including a colour dash, an 11-mile cycle around Cumbrae, an open water swim at Loch Lomond and the Great Scottish Run 10K.

Show your support for Gemma and her incredible journey by donating at www.justgiving.com/page/gemma-reid-1710782158491.