A CHARITY family fund-raiser is set to make a welcome return to the Garnock Valley this weekend.

The It's A Knockout event, taking place at Valefield Park in Kilbirnie on Saturday, June 15, is being held in aid of the Greig Steven Memorial, set up in memory of a Police Scotland horse groomer from the town who died aged just 25 in 2015 from cholangiocarcinoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer which attacks the body’s bile duct.

Ahead of the event, Cunninghame North MSP Kenneth Gibson has lodged a member's motion at the Scottish Parliament, signed by 23 of his fellow MSPs, welcoming the return of the event and praising the work of the charity's volunteers.

The 2023 event raised £18,000 to support the running costs of Greig's House, a retreat in Wemyss Bay providing a getaway for families to spend time with their loved ones with cancer, and praising the work of the charity's volunteers.

Saturday's event runs from 12 noon until 6.30pm. To find out more about the charity and about the It's a Knockout event, see greigstevenmemorial.org or contact Elaine on 07715 212664.