A unique sight of a trio of Chinook helicopters was spotted over the Firth of Clyde on Monday.

Camera club members captured the rare sight of the Chinooks as they passed by Irvine and Largs on their way north.

It is believed that they were flying from RAF Odiham to Lossiemouth for night flying exercises.

Reader Elyk Yarrum captured some amazing footage of the Chinooks as they were heading north of Largs.

RAF Odiham has been home to Nos. 7, 18 and 27 Squadrons, who together form the UK Chinook Helicopter Force.

Royal Air Force Odiham or more simply RAF Odiham is a Royal Air Force station situated a little to the south of the village of Odiham in Hampshire, England. 

(Image: John McColl/Largs News Camera Club) The surprise sight was welcomed by readers including Bella Nimmo who said: "I live in Largs and seen the three of them it was great to see!"

Emma Hempseed agreed and said: "It was brilliant watching them, amazing machines."

A delighted Scott Young said: "I saw all three passing by Kilwinning - it was amazing!"

Alan Steele said: "I saw all three, flying past my house in Dalry about 2pm."

The Chinook is an extremely capable and highly versatile support helicopter that can be operated from land bases or ships into a diverse range of environments, from the Arctic to the desert or jungle.

The aircraft may be armed and is fitted with a suite of self-defence equipment allowing it to operate across the battlespace. Chinooks are primarily used for trooping, resupply and battlefield casualty evacuation.

With its triple-hook external load system, internal cargo winch, roller conveyor fit and large reserves of power, the aircraft can lift a wide variety of complex underslung or internal freight, including vehicles. It can carry up to 55 troops or up to approximately 10 tonnes of mixed cargo.

(Image: Stuart McDade)

Flyind overhead over DunoonFlying over Dunoon (Image: Elaine Black)