A special rededication service for fans whose ashes were scattered on the pitch at Ardrossan's Winton Park was held at the weekend.

A memorial plaque was also unveiled remembering the supporters who wanted their final resting place to be on their beloved ground.

Newly promoted Winton Rovers are replacing the grass pitch with astroturf and organised the service to remember those fans and committee members who wanted their ashes laid on the pitch.

Just under 30 family members attended the event on Sunday, May 19, with Rev Jim Smith and Canon Matt McManus leading the service.

Winton's vice chairman John Sheehan said: "We are tearing the park up and relaying astroturf in the near future and we knew that several committee members and supporters had their ashes scattered on the park.

"We knew that those remains would be disturbed so we wanted to mark the occasion with a special service.

"We put a notice in the Herald and on social media  and wee had a couple of nice letters from family members who wanted to know about the event.

"We decided to get a memorial plaque with their names on it so that they will be remembered in years to come."

John revealed: "Around 25 to 30 people attended the service, including the Morrison family, whose father Sam was a legendary figure in junior football.

"There was also Tony Da Prato's family and representatives of the Cairnie family and the Ferrol Family as well as others. Apologies if I've missed anyone out.

"The service was conducted in glorious sunshine and the grass had just been cut.

"There was a smell of freshly mown grass which was quite evocative and a great reminder of some of the great games at Winton Park over the years.

"There was a buffet and a blether afterwards in the social club.

"Winton Rovers would like to thank all who attended and these families will always be welcome at Winton Park."