AN UPDATE is to be provided on the revival of the former outdoor swimming pool at an event in Saltcoats next month.

Proposals will be amongst a number of topics to be discussed at a public meeting which has been organised to take place in Saltcoats library from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday, June 1.

The pool project is the brainchild of the Splash group which is headed up by local woman and UK Government election hopeful Irene Campbell.

She first shared her vision for the pool back in 2021 after she grew frustrated at having nowhere safe to swim during lockdown with indoor pools closed due to Covid restrictions.

Irene had fond memories of the old outdoor pool at Winton Circus from her time growing up in Saltcoats - and so the idea to return it to its former glory was born.

Since that time, feasibility studies and engineers reports have been completed, confirming that a revival of the outdoor bathing pool would be possible - and would cost in the region of £500,000.

With the help of UK Future Lidos - a group of campaigners collaborating and developing new lidos across the UK and Ireland - a top architect created his vision for the pool.

Chris Romer-Lee, described as one of the world’s leading experts in tidal pools, used designs from existing pools in the Norwegian capital Oslo and from Bondi Beach in Sydney to drive his Saltcoats designs.

These designs were unveiled by the Splash group just over a year ago and now Chris is ready to join the Splash group once again to provide a progress update - as well as all new proposals for the Saltcoats harbour area.

The Splash team are hoping to "get the harbour looking good again" and with the architect's help will be displaying designs for exactly this purpose.

Locals attending the meeting can meet with Chris and the group, view these plans and provide their own thoughts and feelings for consideration.

All are welcome to come along with refreshments to be provided on the day.